My Story
My graphic design journey started a lot earlier than I realized. As the son of a freelance designer I had access to the adobe creative suite earlier than most. I remember spending hours sitting at my mom's desk using Photoshop filters to create "awesome" images I later would forget about. Most of these images displayed very little technical skills at my adolescent level, however I had begun to kindle the flame of creativity which would develop into a passion of mine later in life. However, I did not truly consider taking art & design seriously until my junior year of high school.
My college career began at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania. I attended classes for three years, collecting valuable graphic design knowledge, developing projects that were mainly focused on branding & packaging. However, during the summer following my junior year I decided to transfer to the Savannah College of Art and Design. This decision, was because I did not believe my design skills were as advanced as I wanted them to be going into my senior year.
In opposition to my time at Susquehanna, my three years attending the Savannah College of Art and Design have been full of industry level knowledge I had never thought about previously. With my base understanding of graphic design, SCAD helped me capitalized on my passion for graphic design through studies focusing on history of the field, business practices, and real-world production standards. In addition, I had access to explore my other artistic interests, gaining knowledge about photography and illustration, while helping me re-ignite my interests in computer science through studies in code languages such as CSS, HTML, and Python.